First post

Ok, it’s time to start a blog. I’ve been quite active tinkering with these machines recently, and some information I’ve collected is hard to find on the Internet, so here’s a place for that stuff.

I’ve mostly concentrated on machines from the 16-bit era, Amigas and Atari STs and such.  I’ve been recently upgrading an old Amiga 500 with Vampire 500 II+, and been doing some modifications to a Gravograph VXm engraving machine. More to follow about these projects in future blog posts.

I’m not a collector. I try to keep vintage equipment in use with upgrades that give a new life to them. However, my principle with HW modifications is to be non-destructive. I won’t be drilling new holes to machine covers or soldering new wires to the motherboard. All my modifications should be fully reversible back to the original condition.

I respect these machines as vintage objects. Part of that respect is that I think they don’t have to be just obsolete hardware, but with some modernisations they can still serve in everyday use.

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